Social Commentary

This is my opinion, my thoughts. Not the Councils, and not Wendy's. Krow.

  • We are experiencing throughout the world, empires that are crumbling and have been for some time.  New ideas for a better reality are coming from the stars and we can reach out with our hearts and hands embracing these kinder more compassionate ways to be. Thereby enabling a more equable and peaceful destiny for our grandchildren and all of the beings of this amazing planet.  


    Red & The Council of Elders 

  • A heartfelt story of how having compassion and empathy can help a person big or small navigate tricky emotional waters from a place of being an elder. 


    Krow Fischer

  • 'Weitko' has been defined by some as a 'disease of civilization.' While I understand that viewing point, I would say it is a disease incubated in the colonized societies. The disease itself is social cancer, in my mind. How did we get here, and how do we heal it?


    Krow Fischer


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I have witnessed a lot of pain and lashing out between people over the death of the Queen. I hope this speaks some sense, as i articulate how it looks from here.