Quest For Love

 Exploration of Relationship, Soul Mates. Healing the Gap between Masculine and Feminine.

Quest for Love should be mandatory listening for anyone in a relationship, or anyone wanting to be in a relationship.” 


A Quest for Love covers the origins of the universe built on Love to how this has become the most serious gap on earth. 

How do we heal the gap between Masculine and Feminine and evolve to the state of Bliss that we all year for?

How do we find our balance no matter what gender we find ourselves in each lifetime? 


Red addresses what women and men all know within ourselves, we are different.

Great advice on finding love within, that can find expression with our partners. 

(FYI: This is our second recording and we did not get it perfect. It's not a great sound quality, but the insights & teachings are so good we don't want to delete it. The subsequent recordings are much better. Please don't judge us on this one! ) 



1) The Dance Between Masculine and Feminine

2) Healing Gap Between Masculine and Feminine

3) Masculine Gaining Acceptance

4) Feminine Healing Anger and Distrust

5) Masculine Healing Fear, Anger and Distrust

6) Masculine Responding to Feminine Song


Dave McAree sat in and contributed to this recording