Empathy and Compassion

Our first language is emotion, Red tells us.

The human child is born broadcasting love and must receive love back to survive.
Love is our baseline, our core as human beings, and yet, he says “The worst kind of trauma possible on earth is what one collective of people inflict upon another.”


We know from many previous teachings, Karma, Addiction, The Meaning of Life, DNA to name a few, that the unresolved emotional charges from humans affect the patterns the earth holds, imprint our DNA and corrupt individual, collective and social consciousness.


What we did not know was how this process works and how we can heal it, until this wise and compassionate recording was brought through to us from The Council of Elders.


This is an extremely important teaching that needs to be heard in our world today.
Share this one. Please.



1) Empathy Deficit in Current Society
2) Generational Patterns Expressed
3) Bully Systems and Electronic Communication.
4) Roots of Empathy and Emotional Education
5) Healing Emotional Overwhelm
6) Compassion and the Dark Realms
7) Empathy as the Key to Love
8) Compassion for Cruelty and Self Care