We all have them at times, those condescending belittling voices, but we can deal with them! Listen to what the Council has to say about that! 

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Critical Inner Voices TRANSCRIPT


Hi, it’s Red with the Council here. You know how you folks sometimes get those really mean voices in your heads, telling you that you’re stupid, or you’re incompetent, or you don’t know what you’re doing? You know, those voices can really beat you down sometimes when you’re tired and you’re not feeling confident in yourself. So, we’re going to talk a little bit about those voices and some of the things that you do to eliminate them from your life. 


The first thing we want to look at is why there’s even space for them in your psyche. And the reason for that is a belief system that’s been put into place in so many cultures, and that belief system is that you’re not good beings—you’re not really children of the Creator. You’re here and you need to be punished and constantly corrected to make yourself better. This idea that everybody needs this conscience and the idea that the conscience is like some little angelic type sitting on your shoulder there that’s always going to point out when you’re doing something wrong.


These are belief system templates, you could say, that got put into place for lots of folks. But when you’ve constantly got some energy or voices always telling you what you’re doing wrong, that is not anything that’s beneficial. So, this idea that these voices can be beneficial or that these voices are a conscience that helps you from just straying into to doing bad things all the time is nonsense. Yes, there’s lots of folks who have problems with impulse control, that’s true, you know, but in their journey that’s what they’ve got to learn how to do, is to control impulse to make decisions about whether it’s something you want to engage in or not. And that’s something each one of you has got to do individually. Critical voices in the head are not going to help you do that. So, that’s the first thing folks need to establish, is these are not helpful energies to have around. 


The second thing to recognize is how they can get ingrained in your head; how these echoes of criticism that you’ve been given by somebody else can create an emotional imprint that allows the echoes of such criticisms to come up all the time. And if you can look at some of those voices and say, All right, who does this voice remind me of? Ah, it’s that teacher I had who didn’t like me, no matter what I did. Or, Ah, it’s that relative or family member that was always poking at me, and that’s who began those echoes of that voice. So, that’s one way to look at it, too is, All right, somebody else imposed this voice and I took it in because I was at in emotional, fragile time or it got imprinted with all of these emotions, and I blamed myself and I judged myself, and that imprinted these echoes. 


So, recognize; voices that are critical, that are mean, that are cruel, that folks carry around in their mind; these got created somehow and your job is going to be to eliminate them. Once you realize that these voices that keep putting you down don’t belong there—these are not voices from the Creator.


All of you who have been able to allow yourself to feel that great love of this universe, that sense of oneness and belonging; those are good feelings, eh? That’s your birthright—to know that you are a child of the creation—that you are part of the magnificence and the elegance of such wonderous creation that this universe is made of. And that’s an understanding essence, isn’t it, being part of that? It’s a feeling of acceptance and goodness. So, these kinds of really critical, really mean voices are outside of that. They cannot resonate in that same place of feeling loved and cared for, so you’ve got recognize; these are not part of that energy field. And as they are simply echoes that have been imprinted in your psyche, you can take creative ways to undo them. 


I know one of the ways that we channel through uses is, her guides tell me, she imagines a little pearl-handled pistol and every time those voices would come up, she would just—what they say is, pop them one, yes? And so, the actual action to using the hand and pretending you’re doing that every time they came up, to silence them. There’s other folks that imagine putting a bag over their heads and removing them from the room. We had one person working with this idea of an elevator, and she let herself come up to a better place in the elevator and leaves all those voices behind inside the elevator and sends them away out the exit. Some folks imagine a magic wand that they can just go, poof, and they can make them disappear. 


You get a real creative idea of, How am I going to deal with these voices? How am I going to be in charge? Yes? And step one is don’t listen them. As soon as you notice this critical voice is in there, Oh, you’re stupid. Oh, you did that again. Oh, you’re a bad person, is to tell them to be quiet. Find a fun, creative way to do that. Just say, I’m not even listening to you. I’m not going to argue with you. Just be quiet. Yes? Just remove yourself, eh? 


As we’ve told folks, it takes one moon cycle to change mental habits, but that means you’ve got to constantly do it. So, if you decide to start today, and every time a critical voice is coming in your head and telling you how bad you are and how incompetent you are; step number one is to figure out, How am I going to remove this voice from my psyche? And since the voice is imaginary, you know, you can use an imaginary device or an imaginary idea to get rid of them. And so, the trick is to do this consistently for one month. Do not argue with it because these kinds of voices are like guilt—there’s no consciousness there to argue with. It’s just going to tell you you’re wrong and bad, no matter what you do or no matter how you stand up for yourself. They’re not something to argue with—they are simply something to blot out. 


That’s the idea, is to find a fun and creative way that makes you smile or makes you laugh so that you’re replacing the guilt feelings and the feelings of oppression with mirth. Yes? So, find something funny or fun. You can hand them imaginary helium balloons and watch them float away. Whatever it is that you think can bring a chuckle to you while you diminish the power of those voices. And just do it for one month, solidly and consistently, and I think you’re going to notice that your head is much more clear. You’re able to be in a place where you’re not having that critical voice and be able to look and say, Ah, I really wish I’d made a better choice with that, but yes, I’ve learned—rather than beating yourself up for it. So, here’s to one month of eliminating those critical voices from you psyche. Good luck with it. And it think it would be fun for you to share with other folks on the on being human here, of some of the fun ideas you came up with for removing those critical voices from your precious psyche.


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