Spiritual Services & Teachings - Book, Teaching MP3s and Courses
WEAVERS OF LIGHT, A Channeled Book of Knowledge for our Changing Times, is about how we can weave our personal thread to benefit the tapestry we are co-creating with this beloved planet Earth.
Weavers of Light is a MUST READ for our journey in these times of transition!
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Decades of Red Archives.
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REDChats Council resources are right here when you need them.
Six years of studio recordings, Seventy-Five topics covered, the Council have amassed a Library of profound wisdom on topics from Aliens, Orbs & UFOs to DNA, The Meaning of Life, Karma, Spirit Guides, Crossing Over, Earth Wisdom, Prophesy, Origins of the Universe, Time & more!
Belief Busting Course
Our societies and civilizations are constructs based upon collective belief systems and agreed-upon ideas and principles, but ..
What if some of those ideas are wrong?
Connecting with Spirit Guides Course
Psychic Development Course
About Channeling and The Council of Elders
The Council of Elders is a collective of wisdom keepers in spirit, also known as the Akashic Record Keepers, Librarians, Ancient Ones, or simply the Grandfathers and Grandmothers, depending on your cultural perspective.
This is what they say about themselves, "We hold ourselves outside of time and place, but we interface with those of you on the physical realm of the earth plane in the capacity as counsel, as elders. We bring with us today information, overview and insight to the places that your world is heading with hopes that we can assist you through this transition time and help all of you to find your true hearts' desire."
Channelling spirit is a time honoured science in countless countries in the world, historically to present day times.
You will find Council teachings in many places throughout history as this collective has provided guidance and assistance to humankind for thousands of years across various cultures and religions. They continue to bring fresh insights and understandings as humanity expands our consciousness through our growing ability to comprehend. They have always been here, patiently waiting until we are ready to listen and learn.
The work always begins within ourselves.
Here On Earth offers the opportunity to learn and grow, mentored by some our greatest teachers, through their channelled teachings, stories, books, videos and conversations. Once you begin exploring the teachings of The Council of Elders, your curiosity may not be entirely fulfilled! Many of us have found that while the original questions we came with have been amply answered, those answers blossom into even more profound questions as we are introduced to new concepts! Don't worry, those new and evolving questions get answered as we keep exploring the well spring of the wisdom of the Ancient Ones, Here On Earth.
Here On Earth offers these teachings as they are brought through our resident Trance Channel and Medium, Krow Fischer, who has been working with The Council of Elders for over 40 years, this lifetime.
What People Say
“From our very first session Red has provided me with practical insight and grounded advice that continue to support me in my relationships, work and life purpose. His clarity, humour and immediately applicable tools, give so much benefit and value - he is my trusted and sacred advisor and friend. Tracey Trottenberg California
Krow, Red, Wendy
Just wanted to thank you for the time and energy you’ve given me over the last few weeks. The support is wonderful.
I am applying the information given to me. I have also shared this tape with my wife.
All is good and keeps getting better and better! Yummy yummy yummy ya!!
Right away I started with the info. given on how to balance my health. In just a week. I don’t have to take my nap’s anymore and have 80% of my energy back. Words cannot describe how I feel again. I’m becoming me again. Ya!
I will be in touch again. Thank you for listening to me. While listening to the tape I realized I did a lot of talking. Appreciate you listening (All of you) and holding space for me.You are welcome to use this testimonial if you’d like. Love to you all. Tunkashila aya niye wastepelo! John Wilson FL. US
Wendy and Krow! Oakendell Rocks!!! I love you both and I am very grateful that the universe brought us together. I can't imagine life without you. Even though I don't see you often enough, life feels more bearable just knowing that you are in the world. TP
"I had my first Deep Trance Channeling with Krow and experienced the communication with Red and The Council of Elders in 2001. It was hard to believe at first that such a thing is even possible. After many personal and group readings asking countless questions I feel eternally blessed to have had these experiences as they have given me so much clarity about life which leads to an incredible peacefulness within. Such an incredible gift Krow has and with each Cd as well as her book, one can find so much wisdom from beyond the veil."
Luanne F.P.
Here On Earth Is a place of healing laughter reflection and perspective the services that Wendy and Krow and the council provide are priceless they can't even really be put into words Oakendell helps you reach her highest potential in your mind your body and your spirit I don't know where I would be without them
Tyler Patfield
Krow has helped me to find clarity and deeper meaning in my experiences when I felt stuck. I knew I needed a higher consciousness perspective to help guide me through my own fear beliefs. Her services and insights were exactly what I needed to move forward on my journey. I am grateful for the services you provide. - Grace Debassige-Peltier
"I consider myself to be privileged beyond what words can express to have found my way to Krow Fischer, Wendy Murdoch and The Here On Earth Community. The grounded wisdom, guidance and support I have received over the years through personal and group sessions with Red and The Council of Elders, as well as personal sessions with Krow and Wendy has literally changed my life. Not to mention the Conversations With Red & The Council of Elders recordings. If I could bring one thing with me to a deserted island it would be these recordings. These teachings have expanded my understanding of this planet, the universe and my connection to spirit immeasurably. I am eternally grateful!"
Ingrid Nazar-Kelowna B.C.
Over the years, we have benefited immensely by time spent with both Krow and Red. Whether it be a Tarot consult with For years, when have seen Krow, or had a channeling session with Red, we always walk away with new and profound awareness and insights. In fact, we have regular sessions every 4 months or so to keep us on track with our personal growth and to keep us inspired through the challenging times. Our entire family is committed to working with this wonderful team for as long as the opportunity is available. We are blessed to have Krow in our lives and thank her for the extraordinary opportunity she has made available to us.
The M Family
I am so grateful for my connection to Krow and Red and the Council of Elders.
The knowledge, insights and understandings that I have gained from them over the last 20 years has enriched my life immeasurably.
Red and the Council have assisted and guided me, my family and many of my clients through so many life events. They have given us support, great advise and at times courage to navigate this life that can have so many twists and turns. D.E.
I don’t want to sound too over-the-top in my review of Krow/Red’s services, but this has truly been one of the most valuable things in my life. Krow is an amazing channeler and a wise healer in her own right. She makes space to channel a being affectionately referred to as Red. This being offers a wider view of our human activities and comes through on the energy of pure love – a feeling which brings me to tears.
Krow has helped us through many years with insight and help. We value her advice, thoughts and as well her channeling with Red and the Council of Elders.
Through Krow, Red and the Council have provided very deep and insightful information on many things that have affected us both personally and also with an overall world view.
Our understanding of ourselves, the world around us, the universe, and the spiritual have grown with their help and guidance and we are forever grateful for having Krow and Red in our lives.
Anne & Bob
One is able to ask for information not available elsewhere, about past lives, one's guides or guardian angels, if you have known someone previously and the specifics, and about one’s life purpose. One can also ask the larger questions about life, though the answers are sometimes difficult to grasp. Even personal questions like “how can I get along with my spouse?”, or “why is my child doing X behavior?” are responded to with valuable information. (I am a psychologist so I know useful counsel when I hear it!)
This is real information, not things like “I see a rose – do you know someone who passed who was fond of roses?“, which I abhor.
These sessions have been life changing for me. I could not recommend them more highly!
Lisa Brothwell PhD
...Although a little apprehensive of having a session with Red, my first experience was in a group setting which provided me with a level of comfort and familiarity. The conversations I now have with Red offer an in-depth and mind-blowing clarity surrounding the challenges I face and curiosities I have. No topic is off limits, no judgments are made.” - Ross Thompson Quebec
It is a real gift to connect with Krow, a psychic and channel of great integrity, honesty and insight. And through her, with Red and The Council of Elders. This experience has deepened my understanding of myself and the world around me. Krow creates a beautiful, nurturing and safe space, that opens us up to greater understanding and higher consciousness. I consider myself among the lucky souls to have connected with her : ) Thank you Krow for being you and offering your service in the world. I have greatly benefited from your gifts. Thank you.
Irena S., Toronto Canada
On channeling with Red & The Council of Elders...
“Simply put, I love the ‘old guy’.
The experience of talking to Red I analogize as having access to one of God’s Vice President’s.
I have never found information, guidance and direction this powerful anywhere else or from a source that feels so clean and divine.” - Darren Royea Montreal Quebec.
The Council of Elders work through quite a few channels and mediums, bringing their unique teachings forward in as many ways as humanity offers them. They have been doing this for thousands of years, across many cultural and religious lines after all.
There is a particular 'flavour' that distinguishes the Council's presence, a ring of logic and truth that is self-evident. Every teaching they offer is nuanced with layers and depths of understanding, where every read over or re-listen brings more profound awareness.
Many cherished beliefs are gently challenged, nudging us towards more truthful understandings of how this universe, this planet and even our own selves work! Every 'Aha' moment unravels a myriad of insights that just make sense!
The voice from The Council that channels through Here On Earth trance channel Krow Fischer is affectionately known as Red., and 'he' is quite the character as the thousands who have been mentored by him can attest!
Red is a being of light that offers assistance to those of us incarnate on earth, which he does by ‘broadcasting’ or ‘channeling’ through the body of Krow, using her body, voice and consciousness while she remains in a deep trance state. He assumes the expression and personality from one of the many lifetimes that he has experienced on the earth-plane, a personality he once lived and also expressed through mediums in England during the early 1900's.
Utilizing this venerable personality to transmit through Krow to bring universal understandings, ancient insights, & modern wisdom from the collective, their counsel comes in a useful, practical format that is life changing.
Funny, witty and wise, Reds messages are steeped with the boundless love and compassion he has for all of humanity and the Earth. He is direct and to the point, practical and wise, offering a view as vast as the universe, and yet profoundly detailed and very personal! His humour allows us to laugh at ourselves as we witness our human journey through the eyes of spirit, knowing we are loved, cared for and respected no matter what mistakes we have made or what path we choose to travel.
The Council of Elders work with our personal guides and ancestors for their one on one sessions, and work with many collectives in spirit when transmitting through for all of us listening.
Below is Red channeling, about channeling.. circa 2008 ish.
Between Worlds by Johannus Boots .
Can anyone connect with them? Yes! Many of us connect with The Council before incarnation for advice in setting our intentions, expectations and support team! We also debrief with the Council after our life here in the physical.
Most people notice a familiarity, and many experience a profound emotional reaction when they first sit with them.
You could think of them as tending to the quantum fields of knowledge humanity has acquired over the millennia, and they can be accessed in many ways.
Some people just ask questions to the air and find books falling off shelves or documentaries showing up in their media feeds that answer the question. Others hear his voice when in need of advice. They come through dreams and meditations and they channel through many others in service today, as they have throughout human history.
What kind of advice do they offer?
The Council will never tell you what to do, as your personal sovereignty is sacred to them, but they will offer insight, clarity and upcoming potential so that you can plot your own course wisely. They may tell you of past life connections illustrating the similar patterns playing out today or point out erroneous belief systems that may be entangling you in events, not of your making. They will not override anyone's privacy, but if that soul agrees, they can bring keen insight to personal relationships, helping with resolution and understanding.
Their advice is invaluable and timeless.
What is Red's ethnicity?
Spirit does not have a physical form, so there is no ethnicity, gender or any of those physical identifiers we hold once incarnate. Spirit can express through any personality templates they have incarnated as in the past. Most on the Council have had many lifetimes on Earth, bringing their personal and cultural experiences to enrich the collective wisdom they offer.
Red outlines why he chose the personality he did in their recording "The Council of Elders'. Here is a snippet from that recording.
"..most often, we are needing to find a like-resonance to the land itself or to what the consciousness of the people are open to exploring. And I will choose the personality that I have experienced on Earth that best fits the land, the collective consciousness of the people there, and the consciousness of the one I am channeling through.
We’re always looking for what’s the best fit for ease of flow.
And since I’ve had so many lifetimes on this beloved planet here, I do have a lot to choose from. It’ll always be me, though. And most of you who know me will recognize me."