Channeling with The Council of Elders

One of my practices this life, is as a deep trance channel, which is a process of entering a deep trance state, much like a hypnotic trance.

I have worked as a channel, (psychic or medium) with my own guides in a more awake state, and for the past few decades as a deep trance channel for the collective I call the Council of Elders. Here is the story of how it began. 

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What happens in an appointment?


My journey began in my early twenties when my personal guides asked if I would work with the Council. I had established a solid relationship with them during my childhood, and those unseen realms have just been part of my life. 


At first, I said no. Channelers have had a rough go historically, and I did not want a difficult life, being Mom to two daughters with daughters three and four coming soon! I was promised support and mentorship as needed, and I reluctantly agreed. I studied and trained for over ten years, practicing achieving deeper and deeper levels of trance state as I learned to trust and receive.


Personal confidence and a deeper understanding of how physiology and spirit intertwine deepened as time and experience grew.  

By my mid-thirties, I was ready to begin my new job as a channeler for the Council.  


 A few years after I began channelling the Council, Wendolyn Murdoch came into my life. She became a business partner in Here On Earth, and has been instrumental in bringing the Council of Elders work to you!  It has been a whirlwind of deepening and expanding ever since.

I am really proud of my work with them and grateful for the support and assistance that has manifested throughout my life. This support has enabled me to dedicate my time here to bringing through their work. If you want to read more about the Council, go to their page! 

If you are curious about how the process works, these videos below are an excellent beginning. 
Whereas the Council's work is timeless, Wendolyn and I are not! We look much younger in the videos than we do now in our Cronehood! LOL 


Inside of a yurt with red and white interior and two chairs

Some stories over the years with Red

Back in the late 1990s, a woman came over from England, representing The Spiritualist Church of England. On her travels through Canada, she stopped by Ontario, and I was invited out to an estate on Lake Ontario to meet with her. It felt like a command performance for the Queen. 

As we strolled the beautiful gardens, she asked many questions about my work and how I got involved in channelling. Then, as we came up towards a bench overlooking the lake, she said, "Come on then, show me your work." 


It was a private estate, and no one was around, so I did as I was told. Taking a seat on the bench, I asked my friend who had introduced us to count me out.

I don't know how long they chatted, but when I was brought back out of the trance, she told me, and I quote, "I know the fellow you work with. I've known him since I was a child. He used to channel through my aunt, Estelle Roberts!"

That was the first I'd heard of this medium.
Once the Internet was established (remember this was back in the 90s), I looked her up.

It seems Red had channelled under the name Red Cloud and had been doing public channelings all during the second world war.

There is plenty of information about Estelle Roberts; her autobiographies, 50 Years a Medium and Red Cloud Speaks, are all over the Internet. 

Flash forward 20 years later, where I met another elder from England who, after her first channelling, told me that her father used to go to listen to Red when she was a child, and she had accompanied him sometimes.

She told me stories of how her father and a group of other spiritualists would attend sessions with Estelle Roberts and three or four other mediums who were bringing through information to aid the war effort. She said, 'some high ups with the government and military were present'! 

As well, they brought through interesting information and confirmation of life after death. 

She has bequeathed me the spirit paintings that she inherited from the energies which were channelling through that particular group of mediums. 


You can find a lot about Estelle Roberts's work on the Internet, although, of course, you have to sift through all the naysayers on her Wikipedia page. The mainstream reality does not respect mediums. That's for sure! 

For me, it was fascinating to meet people who had spoken with him as children, meeting him again now through a different channeler. 


I also met another medium in Hawaii who channelled the Council, her main 'spokes spirit' was one of the grandmothers, Maya. It was an exciting experience, as we shared sessions with each other. We also both channelled for a group session, and as she went into a trance, I could not stay present. It took a lot of willpower to not go right into a trance, and I noticed my mouth forming the words as she spoke them. She reported having the same experience when it was my turn to 'go under.' There was an immediate bond of love between us, making us both cry.  


Another time a friend brought his elderly mother to visit, and Red brought through the Spirit that she, a retired medium, had channelled in her younger years. There were tears all around. I would love a younger medium to allow me a visit with Red once I retire, sometime in my 100's! 

These unique experiences were lovely to be part of. Not your everyday happenings! 


If you want More of The Council, Check out some of these recorded teachings! Keep Scrolling! 

 The Council has brought us many brilliant teachings over the 40 years I have been channelling them. 

Check out the digital teaching series available in the library. CD border



Books, Podcasts, Videos, Radio Shows, Membership site and more ways to connect with The Council.


Weavers of Light

Weavers of Light, A Channeled Book of Knowledge for our Changing Times, truly is a manual on conscious living. 

Many people use the book as a divination tool, opening it to reveal the lesson of the day. Others have been using it as a roadmap through these intense years.

Weavers can be found on this site's shop as an epub digital download, or you can find a hard copy 




Courses by the Council are based on their work and are available at our Here On Earth Academy

They have given us so much material to work with we could keep building courses for the rest of our lives!


My Karma course, Healing Our Ancestral Wounds, is based upon four of their wisdom recordings. The Council also has one of its own courses we are helping them with, debunking some of our obsolete or dysfunctional belief systems. 



You can check out our sister site for more. 

On Being Human is a private membership site where the Council offers its bi-monthly commentaries on worldly happenings, offering support through our collective rough patches, as always, with its humour and profound wisdom. 

I also provide a tarot forecast every full moon and Wendy offers health and well being advice, herbal recipes and more.

There are stories, free online classes, discussion panels, membership contributions, interesting articles and stuff we want to share with each other. 


blogtalkradio A whole series of interesting broadcasts can be listened to on Blogtalkradio , where we hosted live and pre-recorded radio shows over the decades with Red and The Council. There are some really good ones on the playlist from years gone by. Life After Life and What Happens in Between, Ancient Mystery Schools, and Navigating Rough Waters are so very relevant these days! 



We've got some videos up on Youtube to watch, Join our station! pic of crystal ball Youtube Here On Earth



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