At this time, in-person classes and workshops cannot happen. It will not be a pandemic forever. Check back when it is safe.
Earthing and Essence Making
Calling all Men and Women who wish to reconnect to the earth and our divine birthright!
It’s a full moon in July, men and women have gathered around
a crackling campfire to share in the mythologies of their lives.
The story of our earthwalk * A re-kindling of earth man and earth woman * A reconnection to ‘wild’
A weekend away from it all * A chance to be nurtured by our true mother.
Join author, teacher and trance channel Krow Fischer
and essence maker, dreamer and stone aficionado Cindy Fougere
on an exploration of our divine connection to earth.
- Essence making with 'Influential Vibrations' Cindy Fougere.
- Connecting with Devic realms on 99 acres of forest, field and pond, camping on the earth under the stars.
- Working in harmony with our body in it’s divine connection to earth using muscle testing and pendulums.
- Stone and Crystal: finding your stone people and creating grids and sacred spaces.
-Elemental Energies: learn to listen to the earth and understand the language of the unseen.
-Plant Allies: Allow the plant beings to connect with you and get to know your specific plant medicine and experience 'rooting' with the tree beings.
-Animal Helpers: Allow a deep connection to the animal helpers who come with their openness and curiosity to get to know you!
-Dream work: Sleeping on the earth allows a profound physical connection with the earth energies. Working with dream state awareness, explore what the earth has to present to you, her child. We will work with some of Cindy's essences, Lucid Dream Tea from Algonquin Tea Compant, stone beings and intention to help tap in.
Study after study reveals the truth about modern illnesses and stress associated with Nature Deficit Disorder.
Many of us are generations gone from the times our progenitors knew the land and the land knew them.
Many of us are transplants here, our ancestors’ bones are buried on other continents.
Many of us, especially those living in cities, feel disconnected from the planet, from the wild.
We need to deeply reconnect with this earth and the earth needs us to do that.
Our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being depend on that.
Our future generations depend on that.
We cannot heal the planet or ourselves, until we heal our connection to it.
Join a village of fellow journeyers sharing meals and adventures, dreams and experiences.
We will find our missing story, our lost wild one, and reconnect.
We will leave behind that which hinders our joyful earth journey.
We will spend time with the sounds of the wild, find our allies and helpers and relearn what it means to be human, to be part of this earth.
Under the guidance and wisdom of long time essence maker Cindy Fougere, will each bring through a personal essence that will ground our weekend experience, a personal medicine we can use for years to come, to honour and cherish our connection to the earth.
We will work with dreams, questing, ceremony and practical, hands on village support to engage transformation of our primal connection.
We will eat well, sleep well and play well, so that we can be well.
Cost is $650.00
Organic gourmet meals, camping accommodations, workbooks and essence materials are included.
A $100 deposit holds your place in this magical weekend.
You can send an e-transfer or pay with Paypal
Please email Krow with any questions or for further information. EMAIL HERE