Healing The Ancestral Lines 

Healing the Ancestral Lines Booklet

Join us for an interactive day of forgiveness on the deepest levels we can collectively reach. 


In Weavers of Light, a Channeled book of Knowledge for our Changing Times, one of the things we are asked to look at is how we have created the tapestries of our lives, to be aware of our ancestral or genetic lines & the societal fabrics we wove together. 


We are encouraged to take responsibility for our part, and on behalf of our ancestors. It is not an easy thing to do, as we are all so used to the blame/shame/guilt triangle, that it is hard to get past that, to enter that state of grace and heal. Disharmony & discomfort is held on to, sometimes due to ancestral wrongs, or societal wrongs, but it is still carried on by us, as individuals. 


To undo the entanglements, we must choose to take responsibility for the threads we hold, & untangle them back to love. Sometimes this involves unwinding, or unweaving. It seems we are running back through the same issues over & over.  Sometimes we are caught in a loop, but sometimes, I believe, we are untangling, separating our thread from the tangled ball of history. I think of undoing tangled chains, or ropes, how often just loosening that one piece can begin unraveling it all. 

In this course we will also work with Ho’oponopono, a Hawaiian healing tradition that "undoes" the threads that cause disharmony in our lives. A powerful tool of reconciliation that was taught to me by traditional Kahunas Harry & Sila Jim, and from whom I have been given permission to teach.

This technique involves using statements of historical power on their own, but when our conscious intention is behind it, without guilt, or shame or fear, it is an extremely powerful tool of change. 


Wherever hurt, anger, resentment or judgment has held your life hostage, wherever hatred has the world firmly in its grip, we can resolve and learn how to change old patterns of thinking. 


Join us as we ‘undo’ threads for ourselves, for our ancestors & the collective societies we make up. 

We will play with vision, intention & each other to resolve past, present & future conflicts, for our highest purpose, highest healing & highest truth. 

Be prepared for some emotional intensity as we open ourselves to past & future, as conduits of responsible healing, and be prepared for positive change in your life, & in the world around you. 


Hawaiian Sentinels hereonearth.caKrow Fischer will be facilitating this ‘full participation’ workshop. 

Krow is an internationally known psychic medium who has been practicing Ho’Oponopono for many years, with some interesting personal results!  She has been taught this body of work by Harry & Sila Jim, Traditional Hawaiian Kahuna, & shares this knowledge with gratitude. 

If you ever need an excuse to travel to Hawaii, or wherever they are teaching, check out some of Harry & SIla’s upcoming classes at www.harryjimlomilomi.com 


Cost is $150.00
If you wish to host a Healing The Ancestral Lines workshop, you will need 10 to 30 participants including yourself. The host's payment is waived. 


Contact Krow to learn more. 


What Students Say