Weavers of Light

 by Red & the Council of Elders



A manual on conscious living, Weavers of Light outlines how we create our collective realities according to our belief structures and imprints. It shows us how we have been creating these realities since the beginning of life on Earth, and how this has evolved into the complexities in which we currently live. It offers insights and understandings, as well as very concrete tools for changing our conscious belief structures as individuals, and thereby changing the collective social realities that we have been manifesting on the Earth, our beloved teacher. 


This book was channelled from a group of souls known as The Council of Elders, Record Keepers, or Ancient Ones. This collective group has been providing guidance and assistance to humankind for thousands of years, and they continue to bring fresh insights and understandings, as we expand our conscious ability to comprehend. 


As our soul evolution continues, we are now ready to understand new concepts of reality, and are willing to take further responsibility for our co-creation here. 


When the students are ready….The book is here. 


A loom with fabric being woven and the warp threads are weighted down with stones.

What People Say about Weavers of Light 


"You are all children of the Creators & you are all given the same access.


What you believe & perceive of yourself  & your relationship with creation is what you weave into your realities.

This is a time of great opportunity that has not been here for a long time.


You can take this opportunity & make that leap in consciousness that is required to bring all of Earth to a state of grace.


It is not meant that only a few masters benefit from the magic of the land or the skies, it is meant as a birthright for all souls”. - 

                                                                                      Red, Weavers of Light

About the Authors


This book was channelled directly from the Council of Elders, a collective group of souls also known as the Akashic Record Keepers, the Ancient Ones, or simply the Grandfathers and Grandmothers. The main voice bringing this book through is a soul known as Red.


This collective group, The Council of Elders, has been providing guidance and assistance to humankind for thousands of years and continues to bring fresh insights and understandings, as we expand our consciousness and ability to comprehend. MORE ABOUT THE COUNCIL


As we have evolved ourselves on Earth, we are now ready to understand new concepts and take further responsibility for our co-creation here. This latest book of information is our next step in conscious global awareness. The Council of Elders have asked Wendolyn Murdoch and Krow Fischer to bring this material forward. Weavers of Light is one of the ways we have done that.


Picture of Krow FischerKrow Fischer is a deep trance medium and a student of mysticism who has been channelling with the Council of Elders for decades. She has an international client base in the thousands and regularly teaches workshops and lectures on various mystical topics. Krow writes and hosts a few websites and blogs with many published transcripts and articles. Although there are hundreds of transcripts from lectures over the decades, this is the first book she brought through while in deep trance with the Council of Elders. 

Picture of Wendolyn Murdoch

Wendolyn Murdoch is a healer and a fellow student of mysticism who has been working with Krow and the Council of Elders for decades. She is an active workshop leader and lecturer and has taught internationally throughout her life. Wendolyn has written a monthly column for a local magazine and has had articles published on a variety of metaphysical and alternative healing subjects. She is a dedicated healer and has helped many people regain their health and wellbeing over her many decades of service to humanity and the earth.