Awakening spirit

Here on Earth

*providing holistic healing, spiritual guidance and community support for over 25 years!*



NEW Council of Elders Audio Recording

'The Thinning of the Veils'


What does it mean to Thin the Veils? Will we interact with other realms? How will our psychic senses be impacted? What will it look like when the veils thin, and are there any dangers?



Here on Earth by Here on Earth

In these times of transformation it's easy to feel hopeless, easy to forget who we are and why we are here.


At Here on Earth you can find your way through whatever challenges you face with access to unique, indepth spiritual teachings with seasoned advisors to address personal and collective needs through audio recordings, courses, blogs and personal counselling sessions.

When life gets too much for you, we are here.

We provide practical advice and guidance with one-on-one counselling giving direction and deep understandings on whatever is needed to bring balance to the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional aspects of life.

Support with health and wellbeing?

It's tough to navigate through health issues, but here you can get sound practical and well informed advice as well as one on one support.. Healing with Herbs, Hands-On Lightwork and natural therapies offer complimentry support for whatever ails you, be it digestive, physical issues or anxiety and depression.. 

Added Benefits 

Vast source of Knowledge-  Deep universal wisdom from The Council of Elders is brought through with their audio recordings on every concievable topic from what is Time to Living in a State of Grace to the Story of Mary Magdelene! 

Personal Development- recordings, courses, articles and blogs  to stimulate the mind and imagination of those seeking truth and understandings of how life works here on Earth. Humanity is in a rapidly evolving time, and we've got many decades of support gathered herre! Enjoy. 

Learn New Skills- with our Classes and Courses. Herbal, Tarot, Psychic development and Spirit Guide courses, Stones and Crystal work and more. Check out some of our Freebies at the Academy.!


Check out our FREE Meaning of Life Course

Meaning of Life by Here on Earth

What People Say!..

Here On Earth Is a place of healing laughter reflection and perspective, the services that Wendy, Krow and the Council provide are priceless they can't even really be put into words, They help you reach your highest potential in your mind, your body and your spirit I don't know where I would be without them.                   

T.P Cobourg Ont.


"I consider myself to be privileged beyond what words can express to have found my way to Krow Fischer, Wendy Murdoch and The Here On Earth Community. The grounded wisdom, guidance and support I have received over the years through personal sessions with Red and The Council of Elders, Krow and Wendy have literally changed my life. Not to mention the Conversations With Red & the Council Mp3 recordings. If I could bring one thing with me to a deserted island it would be these recordings. These teachings have expanded my understanding of this planet, the universe and my connection to spirit immeasurably. I am eternally grateful!"                                 DL Toronto

" I have never found such accuracy, insight and wisdom compiled in one website as I discovered on Here On Earth. The information is light years ahead of the narcisstic prattle that too many influencers peddle in the online world of so called spirituality.   Both Ms. Murdoch and Ms. Fischer are true leaders in their respective fields, and the work they bring through from Spirit is essential knowledge for finding our way to a better future for all." 




  • One Month on us -for our On Being Human Membership Site
  • Mp3 Store with 75 recordings on many fascinating subjects
  • Interesting articles & recipes, & helpful herbs & health advice
  • Experienced teachers, counsellors and healers
  • Free courses on our Here on Earth Academy
  • Wide range of services 
  • Support in real time- If you need us we will be there
  • First notice of Events and Discounts on various products, services & courses



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Weekly Oracle Card 

21stThe Oracle card for the week of July 14th


From The Secret Dakini Oracle

by Nik Douglas & Penny Slinger

Looks an auspicious week of transformation where we can bring the earth energy up into intellectual wisdom

to guide us forward.


How to work with Oracles? Check out our free class on Oracle cards @