Lost your Shine?

Not feeling your usual vibrant, shiny self? Feeling stressed out? 

It is easy to get bogged down with the stuff of living.  Cleaning the house, weeding the garden, running the kids to their activities, working, freezing rain, blistering heat or shopping with mobility problems; all of these things can suck the life out of life. 

The stuff of life can leave you feeling blue, exhausted and stressed. Perhaps it is time to do a life audit and see what changes you can make. Sometimes just some small tweaks can do wonders for your state of well-being.

First, let's define the word stress.  The Oxford English Dictionary defines stress as "a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding 


However, not all stress has to be distress but can be happy stress such as planning a wedding, celebratory parties or the birth of a new one.  Actually, we need stress to get us up and moving, and under normal circumstances, the body will quickly adapt to stress. Most of the time, we do not even notice.

It is only when the stress starts to take over, that our bodies have a problem getting back in balance, and we begin to feel the effects on our bodies and mental well-being.

So what can be done?  First, and I am not being a smarty pants here, just breathe.  Seriously deep breathing helps your nervous system switch gears from "flight or fight' mode to 'rest and digest' mode, which calms everything down.  Three deep breaths anywhere and anytime can instantly help.

Meditation, yoga, tai chi, walking, spinning, knitting, having lunch, walking in nature, or a belly laugh with your friends, all positively affect one's well being. Find what works for you and make the time to do it! 

If you are experiencing a lot of stress, the first step is to identify what stresses you out the most and strive to resolve it as best you can, one stressor at a time.  

A spinning wheel on the edge of a lake with wool being spun on a spindle

If you feel the ill effects of stress, many natural, gentle therapies and remedies can help.  Energy Work or Lightwork are amazingly fast therapies as they help to clear any emotional buildup that naturally occurs for all people; regardless if they feel it or not.  People often report a feeling of lightness after an appointment, and if anxiety is presents feel a sense of calmness. Other therapies that can help are aromatherapy or massage.


There are herbs for helping with the blues, herbs for building up the body stamina and herbs to assist the body in adapting to the stressors that can not be readily changed. 


As you are unique in body and soul, what works for your friend may not work for you. This may be a time to seek help on what is best for you and your needs. Having a well-thought-out plan can go a long way towards attaining your goal of health and well-being.


And remember, Just breathe.


(c) Wendolyn

Sitting in a canoe paddling down a river.

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